Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only work with "Relapse"?

While our name may emphasize our specialty in supporting individuals who have experienced relapse, our expertise extends far beyond that. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive support to individuals and families at various stages of the recovery journey. Whether you're seeking guidance for relapse prevention, early intervention, or simply exploring strategies for sustained sobriety, our team is here to help. We offer a wide range of services, including interventions, care management, recovery coaching, and more, tailored to meet your unique needs. Our goal is to help you to make positive changes, find hope, and create a fulfilling life in recovery.

Why do we need an interventionist?

An interventionist plays a critical role in the process. Their expertise in addiction and mental health, along with their experience in facilitating interventions, enables them to navigate complex situations effectively. Interventionists provide a structured approach, fostering open communication and helping families overcome barriers to treatment. Their support ensures that the intervention is conducted in a safe and respectful manner, maximizing the chances of success. By engaging an interventionist, families gain a knowledgeable ally who can facilitate the process and increase the likelihood of their loved one accepting help and embarking on the path to recovery.

What is the value of Case Management and Recovery Coaching?

Case management and recovery coaching offer invaluable support throughout the entire process. Case management ensures that individuals receive coordinated care, with a focus on individualized treatment plans and seamless transitions between different levels of care. It involves collaborating with various service providers, orchestrating family engagement, and providing ongoing support to clients. Recovery coaching promotes a peer-to-peer approach, leveraging the power of lived experience to inspire clients on their recovery journey. Coaches offer personalized support, accountability, and practical tools to navigate challenges and sustain long-term sobriety. Together, case management and recovery coaching create a strong foundation for long-term recovery, addressing both the clinical and personal aspects of healing.

How important is the family during the recovery process?

It is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, addiction is a family illness, and the impact on the family unit is profound. By actively engaging in the recovery journey, families have the opportunity to heal alongside their loved one and address the dysfunctional patterns that may have developed over time. Issues like codependency, enmeshment, and enabling often surface and need to be addressed. Secondly, the success of a loved one's recovery is closely connected to the family's willingness to heal and grow. When the family unit is supportive, informed, and actively participating in their own healing, it creates an environment conducive to lasting change. The family's commitment to their own health can significantly influence their loved one's progress and overall well-being. By recognizing the importance of family involvement and prioritizing their own healing, families can play a vital role in supporting their loved one.At The Relapse Project, we prioritize guiding and coaching families through the process of change. By focusing on the family's healing and recognizing just how important each family member's role is, we create a strong foundation for lasting change and inspire families to play an active part in the recovery journey.

What is the role or purpose of a Sober Companion?

The role and purpose of a sober companion is to provide 24/7 personalized support, guidance, and accountability to individuals in early recovery or those struggling to maintain their sobriety. A sober companion serves as a trusted ally, accompanying the client during critical moments when they are most vulnerable to relapse. They build on successes, redirect failures, and help clients navigate the challenges of daily life, ensuring that each experience becomes a valuable lesson in their journey toward a healthy and productive life. Companions are a value added service during times of transition, major events, or when concierge treatment support is needed.