

Our Intervention Services at The Relapse Project are designed to provide effective support and guidance for individuals and families that are in crisis. We understand that each intervention is unique, and we are committed to tailoring our approach to meet the specific needs and circumstances of our clients.

Drawing on the latest models of intervention, our experienced team combines evidence-based practices with a compassionate and personalized touch. We work closely with families, helping them navigate the complexities of their situations and providing the tools and strategies necessary for successful intervention.

We recognize the importance of remaining adaptable in our approach. Every intervention requires careful assessment and consideration of the individual's unique circumstances and motivations. By staying flexible and open-minded, we are able to respond to the evolving needs of our clients and ensure that our interventions are effective and meaningful.

Our goal is to create a safe and supportive environment for our families to come together, express their concerns, and communicate their love and support. We believe in the power of connection and collaboration to inspire change and foster lasting recovery.

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step-by-step guide:


Initial Consultation


Comprehensive Assessment:


Recovery Plan Development


Care Coordination


Clear and Concise Feedback


xExecution and Support


Regular Evaluation and Adjustment


Continuous Collaboration