
A lot of people think that addiction is just about the individual with the substance abuse problem, I now know after a successful intervention with Griffin, that it’s also about the entire family. 

Dealing with my little brother’s addiction has caused our family turmoil for quite some time and we’ve run the standard playbook of treatment centers and rehabs throughout the years. With his most recent relapse, I was put in touch with Griffin, who even on our first call, gave me a sense of peace on how to handle our unique situation. Turns out, there’s a lot more steps than just putting your loved one in a facility and crossing your fingers. A lot of people think that addiction is just about the individual with the substance abuse problem, I now know after a successful intervention with Griffin, that it’s also about the entire family. 

Griffin was able to work with us and provide insight as someone who has faced his own addiction head on as well as his 10 years working in the recovery field. He worked with me and my family in a way that made sense for all of us as individuals. Our situation called for a faster tracked intervention and Griffin dedicated so much of his time providing us all answers to subside our anxieties while being refreshingly honest and straightforward about all of the different potential outcomes. Having spoken to my fair share of professionals in this line of work, I have full confidence that the reason that my brother willingly accepted treatment and is currently on the road to recovery is because of the attention, dedication, knowledge and care that Griffin put into assembling our family in a way that we could’ve never successfully navigated without him.

Brittany W.
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