
I would recommend Griffin and The Relapse Project to anyone struggling with how to approach an intervention conversation for a loved one and allowing the best in the business to help you navigate this emotional conversation.

Intervention for a loved one is an incredibly difficult scenario to navigate. There is no “How To” book and it is an extremely complicated/emotional time in someone’s life. We would not have been successful in getting our family member to treatment without the guidance and support of Griffin.  He was extremely patient with us as we uncovered the appropriate way to intervene on our family member and made us comfortable with our decision. Griffin is very strategic when it comes to the appropriate way to start the conversation. He gave us a road map regardless of what variables came up during the intervention. It was comforting knowing that there was no possible scenario that he hadn’t seen or handled prior to our engagement.

Griffin has gone above and beyond his contractual obligation. He genuinely cares about the well-being of our family member and still checks in regardless of the successful intervention being completed. We felt as if we had another family member in the room with Griffin at the helm of the conversation.

I would recommend Griffin and The Relapse Project to anyone struggling with how to approach an intervention conversation for a loved one and allowing the best in the business to help you navigate this emotional conversation.

Rob C.
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